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Chuck Swann Commentary in Paper & Tissue Industry Provides Hope for the Paper Business


Charles Swann has been writing about the paper industry for much of his career. In his recent commentary "Thoughts on Paper and Tissue" Swann provides an excellent overview of CPBIS and its vision for the future of the paper industry.

In the November 2002 issue of Paper & Tissue Industry, an Intercontinental Publishing Co. publication, Swann says, "...Unfortunately, most of the new thoughts in the paper industry have been confined to the scientific and technological aspects of manufacturing. This has resulted in creating an industry, at least in the USA, that is astounding advance technologically -- but which cannot make enough profits to justify the hundreds of billions of dollars invested in it. Slavish adherence to traditional operating methods and an industry-wide mindset fastened on production, production, production have mired the paper industry in unprofitably and left it unable to earn the cost of capital for at least the last 20 years". Swann goes on to say that, "CPBIS surely qualifies as one of those new thoughts the paper industry ought to be thinking. It is rooted in the understanding that the industry's troubles are business problems, not technological deficiency."

To read the article in its entirety please click on the PDF version.

Article reproduced with the authorization of the author.


About CPBIS: The Center for Paper Business and Industry Studies (CPBIS) is a globally recognized and industry-valued academic center, creating knowledge and tools that support paper industry decision-makers, and producing interdisciplinary graduates who contribute to the long-term success of the paper industry. The CPBIS is co-sponsored by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, the Institute of Paper Science and Technology (IPST), the Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech), and the Paper Industry.


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